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Quantus™ Fluorometer E6150

Quantus™ Fluorometer E6150

上市日期: 2017-01-12

 The Quantus™ Fluorometer is a dual-channel fluorometer for your personal quantitation workflow. Designed to provide highly sensitive fluorescent detection when quantifying nucleic acids, the compact instrument is simple to operate.


The Quantus™ Fluorometer is optimized with preprogrammed settings for Promega QuantiFluor® Dye Systems (QuantiFluor® dsDNA, RNA and ssDNA Systems) to quantitate nucleic acids and offers the flexibility to create customized methods and quantitation settings for other fluorescent dyes.

The Quantus™ Fluorometer is equipped with two fluorescence channels for nucleic acid and protein quantitation:

  • Blue fluorescence channel: Excitation 495nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 495nm), emission 510–580nm.

  • Red fluorescence channel: Excitation 640nm shortpass (wavelengths up to 640nm), emission 660–720nm.

特点 - 优点

  • Experience High Performance: Integrated with QuantiFluor® Dyes for high sensitivity, broad dynamic range and target specificity. Great for low-level sample quantitation such as FFPE or viral samples.

  • Achieve Increased Sensitivity: Significantly increased sensitivity over absorbance at 260nm (NanoDrop® spectrophotometer) for those samples that are low in concentration. Ten times more sensitive than Qubit® 2.0 and a detection limit of 50pg/ml, compared to 500pg/ml for the Qubit® 2.0. With a customized low standard curve, lower amounts can be detected.

  • Implement Easy-to-Use Workflow and Navigation: Flexible with custom protocols and user-defined settings. PC software for data management workflow.

  • Easily Incorporate into Your Laboratory: Affordable price is very cost-effective.

  • Use for Next-Gen Sequencing: Successfully used in several Next-Gen Sequencing systems, including Illumina (HiSeq/miSeq), Roche (454) and LifeTech (ion Torrent and ion Proton) systems.


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