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ECL Western Blotting Substrate W1001 W1015

ECL Western Blotting Substrate W1001 W1015

上市日期: 2017-02-15

 The ECL Western Blotting Substrate is a highly sensitive non-radioactive, enhanced luminol-based chemiluminescent substrate for the detection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugates on immunoblots.


The ECL Western Blotting Substrate detects and visualizes the presence of picogram (pg) amounts of antigen through the use of photographic or other suitable chemiluminescent imaging methods.

特点 - 优点

  • High Sensitivity: Detect picogram levels of protein with minimal background.

  • Save Time: No optimization required; you can switch from other entry-level ECL substrates.


  • Western blotting.

  • Dot blotting.


Store at 2–8°C.

ECL Western Blotting Substrate W1001 W1015

Figure 1. Western blot (immunoblot) for β-actin in cytoplasmic lysate from HEK293T cells.

The blot was performed on a serial dilution of lysate; each lane contains an indicated amount of β-actin (ng) as quantitated via ELISA. Primary antibody (monoclonal) used at 1:5,000, Anti-Mouse IgG, HRP Conjugate secondary antibody (Cat.# W4021) used at 1:2,500; blot imaged with ECL Western Blotting Substrate(Cat.# W1015) and with 1-minute exposure.


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