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GoTaq® Real-Time qPCR and RT-qPCR Systems for Probe-Based Detection

GoTaq® Real-Time qPCR and RT-qPCR Systems for Probe-Based Detection

上市日期: 2017-01-19

The GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix is optimized for fast and reproducible quantitative PCR assays in the hydrolysis probe detection format. The master mix is provided as a ready-to-use, stabilized 2X formulation and contains GoTaq® Hot Start Polymerase, MgCl2, dNTPs and a proprietary reaction buffer. This master mix does not contain a reference dye; a separate tube of CXR reference dye is included.


GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix 2ml A6101

GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix 10ml A6102

GoTaq® Probe 2-Step RT-qPCR System 2ml A6110

GoTaq® Probe 1-Step RT-qPCR System 2ml A6120

The GoTaq® Probe 2-Step RT-qPCR System facilitates detection and relative quantification of RNA expression levels via a two-step RT-qPCR method using integrated components: GoScript™ Reverse Transcription System and GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix.

The GoScript™ Reverse Transcription System includes an optimized reaction buffer and M-MLV reverse transcriptase designed to enable efficient synthesis of first-strand cDNA in preparation for PCR amplification. The cDNA product can be added directly to downstream qPCR amplification reactions.

The GoTaq® Probe 1-Step RT-qPCR System enables detection and relative quantification of RNA expression levels using a one-step RT-qPCR method, combining GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase and GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix in a single-step real-time amplification reaction.

The GoScript™ RT Mix for 1-Step RT-qPCR (50X) combines optimized quantities of GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase, RNasin® Plus RNase Inhibitor and additives to enhance single-step reactions. The GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix includes dUTP. When dUTP is incorporated into the amplification products, the amplicons are susceptible to degradation by uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG); allowing users to incorporate UNG into subsequent reactions for control of possible carryover contamination.

特点 - 优点

  • Achieve Superior Performance: Sensitive detection for earlier quantitation of low- and high-copy-number targets over a broad dynamic range.

  • Rely on a Robust System: Resistant to a wide range of PCR inhibitors.

  • Use a Versatile Product: Compatible with both fast and standard cycling methods on most real-time PCR instruments using TaqMan® and other probe assays such as molecular beacons.

  • Realize Enhanced Stability: Exceptional room-temperature setup is easy for automated and high-throughput detection.


  • Gene expression analysis.

  • Multiplex PCR.

  • Genotyping.

  • Detection of sequence variants.


Number of Reactions
Product Cat.#Size50µl reactions20µl reactions10µl reactions
A61012ml80 reactions200 reactions400 reactions
A610210ml400 reactions1,000 reactions2,000 reactions
A61102ml50 × 20µl RT reactions and
80 × 50µl qPCR reactions
50 × 20µl RT reactions and
200 × 20µl qPCR reactions
50 × 20µl RT reactions and
400 × 10µl qPCR reactions
A61202ml80 reactions200 reactions400 reactions

GoTaq® Real-Time qPCR and RT-qPCR Systems for Probe-Based Detection

Figure 1. Amplification curve for GAPDH detection from human pancreas RNA using the GoTaq® Probe 2-Step RT-qPCR System.

A series of fivefold serial dilutions of human pancreas cDNA was used to measure GAPDH gene expression using the GoTaq® Probe 2-Step RT-qPCR System and a competing product (Vendor L). The GoTaq® Probe 2-Step RT-qPCR System shows earlier Cq values (>0.2) for all samples. Two microliters of human pancreas RNA was reverse transcribed using the GoScript™ Reverse Transcriptase supplied in the kit followed by qPCR with GoTaq® Probe qPCR Master Mix.

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